Tuesday, December 7, 2010

subversion + Latex

subversion repository setup:
Howto: http://fengweizhang.blogspot.com/2011/10/how-to-create-svn-repository.html

remember, you need to set up the ACL permission correctly for your svn repository. so other people could checkout, commit

$svn co svn+ssh://username@servername.com/home/username/svnrepos/file

The idea is setup a projectfile in svn repositary. so memeber could check out the files and write the papers. Then he could commit it.

Latex How-To
Ubuntu: install texlive
$sudo apt-get installl texlive. 

you could use whatever editor you want: Vim
Then find two things:
a tutorail for latex grammer: lshort.pdf
a latex template:

Mac: install latex
sudo port install texlive
install MacTex
or directly download from:
But this file is very large.

Updated March 30 2014: 
Install Latex on Mac
1. Go to http://guides.macrumors.com/Installing_LaTeX_on_a_Mac
2. Download MacTeX at http://www.tug.org/mactex/
3. Be Patient, and it is a large file
4. Install it. If you have previous version installed, you can uninstall them by delete /usr/local/texlive
See http://tug.org/mactex/uninstalling.html

CentOS: install tetex
yum install tetex tetex-fonts tetex-dvips tetex-latex ghostscript

EDITOR: You could use VIM, texmaker is good. 

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