Saturday, December 3, 2011

e1000 network card info

e1000 network card model:

Small difference between 82540EM and 82541PI

1. The default internal buffer size is different

82540EM : 16KB

82541PI: 24 KB

2. 82540EM can configure MSI control register at PCI configuration space, but 82541PI is a read only register


// man page of ethtool
$ ethtool -h

// Check statistic registers of network card
$ ethtool -S eth0

// See most of the registers of network card in interface eth0
$ ethtool -d eth0

// See the driver information
$ ethtool -i eth0

NIC: Intel e1000

more info:

Thursday, December 1, 2011

latexdiff for Paper in PDF

1. Install the latexdiff

2. run: 
$ latexdiff -t CFONT --flatten ../HC-4/main.tex main.tex > doc.tex

-t CFONT: type of latexdiff
--flatten: reversal of directory
../HC-4/main.tex: old version of main.tex of paper
main.tex: new version
doc.tex: output file

3. run: 
$ pdflatex doc.tex 
if reference cannot show, change the makefile from main to doc

compile the tex file and generate the pdf file

Other option(doesn't work on my Mac):
$ latexdiff-vc -t CFONT --fatten --svn -r 7 main.tex --pdf
latexdiff-vc: combine latexdiff and version control
-t CFONT: type
--fatten: reversal of directory
--svn: version control type
-r 7: compare to old version 7
main.tex: current version
--pdf: run pdflatex to generate pdf

more info: