Friday, February 15, 2013

Difference between emulation and virtualization

Emulation and virtualization are related but not the same.

Emulation is using software to provide a different execution environment or architecture. For example, you might have an Android emulator run on a Windows box. The Windows box doesn't have the same processor that an Android device does so the emulator actually executes the Android application through software.

Virtualization is more about creating virtual barriers between multiple virtual environments running in the same physical environment. The big difference is that the virtualized environment is the same architecture. A virtualized application may provide virtualized devices that then get translated to physical devices and the virtualization host has control over which virtual machine has access to each device or portion of a device. The actual execution is most often still executed natively though, not through software. Therefore virtualization performance is usually much better than emulation.
There's also a separate concept of a Virtual Machine such as those that run Java, .NET, or Flash code. They can vary from one implementation to the next and may include aspects of either emulation or virtualization or both. For example, the JVM provides a mechanism to execute Java byte codes. However, the JVM spec doesn't dictate that the byte codes must be executed by software or that they must be compiled to native code. Each JVM can do it's own thing and in fact most JVMs do a combination of both using emulation where appropriate and using a JIT where appropriate (the Hotspot JIT I think is what it's called for Sun/Oracle's JVM).

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Check Mark in Latex


\verb|\checkmark|: \checkmark \par
\verb|\cmark|: \cmark \par
\verb|\xmark|: \xmark

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

IDAPro Tutorial