Friday, May 18, 2012

Reference: Convert Assembly to Opcode

Backup by using rsync in Linux and Windows

In Linux: man rsync

rsync -r ../WorkSpace username@servername:/home/username/backup-machine

In Windows, you can use cygwin
1. Install cygwin
2. search rsync, and install rsync package
3. run rsync

rsync -r /cygdrive/c username@servername:/home/username/back-windows

Modify Executable in Windows

1. Download Hex Editor: HxD

2. Open the Executable by using HxD

3. Go the executable place you want to modify
For example (nasm format) :
66 BA 2F 05 : mov dx, 0x52f
66 EE : out dx, al

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Assembly in Windows

1. Compiler: MASM 
install it
it has an masm editor
it use NASM assembly, please use pcasm for reference
But it doesn't have the IO instruction in the book

2. Start with hello world program

include \masm32\include\  

MyTitle db "ASM is Fun!",0
MyText db "I hope you're learning!",0
push 0
push offset MyTitle
push offset MyTextpush 0
call MessageBoxA
call ExitProcess
end start


3. Write your own program

.model flat,stdcall
mov dx, 1327
out dx, ax
end start

This program write port 0x52f It looks like MASM cannot use hex because I get compile error.

4. Run the Program 

AllowIo.exe WritePort.exe /a
write to port in Windows, please see my another article